The Wedding Party

Sarah McIntyreSarah McIntyre, is an opera singer. It was at Sarah's request that Ron attended the Opera Night at which Ron and Marta met. Ron originally met Sarah through a craigslist ad in which Sarah was seeking musicians to join her in forming a "Patsy Cline-esque band." Sarah recently adopted a beautiful little puppy named Elsa.
Karina Roth, Marta’s fabulous older sister, lives in the coolest town in northern Minnesota, Grand Marais. Her house overlooks Lake Superior and is about 50 miles from Canada (seriously, they have snow in May). She’s the music and theater superstar of the town. Karina and her friends go on regular wilderness excursions in the Boundary Waters, a nice change of pace from her active schedule of raising three whipper-snapper kids.Karina Roth
Jeannie AffelderJeannie Affelder is Marta’s dear friend, confidant, advice-giver, recipe-exchanger, and lover-of-life. Her wisdom has saved Marta from many a misstep. A mom of three boys, Jeannie also stays busy with theater in Chicago. She has recently been seen in To Master the Art (a play about Julia Child and French cooking!), Heartbreak House (her Scottish accent was amazing), and Unnecessary Farce (her Scottish was impossible to understand in this one).
Dan Zook is trekking up from Georgia for the wedding with family in tow. Ron and Dan used to play together in a band named Outside Toy. That was back when they were both living in Brooklyn, New York not very far away from each other. These days, Ron treks down to Macon to hang out with the Zooks every Thanksgiving. Dan bought a new saxophone and feels guilty for cheating on his other one. Dan's current band, Magtard, can be heard making magnificent noise around Macon. That's Dan's son, Connor, there being all scary with him.Dan Zook
Andrew BlendermannAndrew Blendermann, father of two, husband, pianist and vocalist, has been friends with Ron since college. In college, Andrew helped Ron with some of his music compositions and they (briefly) lived together after college. Andrew's hobbies include playing video games and making things with Legos. Andrew performs at The Signature Room, Mastro's, and other venues, as well as MCs the annual regional Harmony Sweepstakes competition.
Eli Johnson, Marta’s coolest younger brother, spent years roaming the country in search of the best drum and bugle corp. After touring with the Blue Devils (the best drum corps, natch), he finally has settled close to home in the Twin Cities, taking on the role of the responsible child in the family. Currently he is working as a real estate agent, teaching drumline for Minnesota Brass and putting together his newest rock band.Eli Johnson